Diary of a TV Addict

@темы: Fanvideo, Skam, Видео

Diary of a TV Addict
Diary of a TV Addict


@темы: Sense8

Diary of a TV Addict
Diary of a TV Addict

@настроение: шедевру 10 лет исполнилось в этом месяце. жаль они больше почти не выпускают песни, а посвятили себя сериалам)

@темы: Aly Michalka, Клип, Видео

Diary of a TV Addict
Diary of a TV Addict
Dear User,

We’d like to inform you that we will be shutting down services on June 30th, 2017. Please download and backup your files before this date.

The Team

UPD: :ura::ura::ura::ura:
Imgbox is a free service with more than 7 years of history, empowering people to upload, share and enjoy images online.
Hosting millions of files requires massive resources and it simply became too big for our previous hosting platform to handle.
We are pleased to announce we have partnered with a new team that have extensive experience in large-scale hosting, our new gen hardware enables us to continue to provide the high standard of service that you are used to, while preparing us for many billions of files into the future.
Sincerely, The Team

ImageBam is a free service with more than 10 years of history, empowering people to upload, share and enjoy images online. Hosting millions of files requires massive resources and it simply became too big for our previous hosting platform to handle.
We are pleased to announce we have partnered with a new team that have extensive experience in large-scale hosting, our new gen hardware enables us to continue to provide the high standard of service that you are used to, while preparing us for many billions of files into the future.
The recent support from the community has been amazing.. Thank you, you rock! We will always be here for you and your files: Permanently, Reliably & Free!
Sincerely, The Team

@настроение: очень печальные новости. скачивайте пока есть возможность, т.к. у меня нет в планах перезагружать что-то на другие фотохостинги

@темы: stuff, ПЧ


Diary of a TV Addict
Karen Gillan - receives the Rising Star Award at the Maui Film Festival in Hawaii - 06/24/17


@темы: Doctor Who


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Diary of a TV Addict
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Diary of a TV Addict



@музыка: Я немного разочарована в этом ролике, и дело даже не в Эвис. Вроде хорошо закончили, но я ожидала немного другого. Видимо вчера перегорела с wrap-party, сегодня уже эмоций не осталось...

@настроение: Осталась еще надежада на последнюю речь, может она изменит мое мнение? nope

@темы: Skam

Diary of a TV Addict


@темы: Skam


Diary of a TV Addict
Josefine Frida Pettersen, Iman Meskini & Ina Svenningdal at “Skam-Festen” at Sentralen on June 23, 2017 in Oslo, Norway


@настроение: эта прощальная вечеринка была отличным подарком к завтрашнему финалу. :small:

@темы: *, Skam

Diary of a TV Addict
Diary of a TV Addict
Diary of a TV Addict


@темы: Doctor Who

Diary of a TV Addict

@темы: Lea Michele, photoshoot

Diary of a TV Addict


@настроение: до сих пор в восторге от эпизода и платья Kristin Chenoweth

@темы: American Gods

Diary of a TV Addict

@настроение: такое полезное видео.

@темы: Pretty Little Liars, Interview, Видео

Diary of a TV Addict

Diary of a TV Addict

@настроение: начало просто :vo:

@темы: Fanvideo, Skam, Видео