Diary of a TV Addict
Diary of a TV Addict

Neal: Those standard FBI issue?
Peter: They were a gift from Elizabeth.
Neal: One that keeps on giving.

@темы: White Collar, *, Matt Bomer, Tim DeKay


Diary of a TV Addict

Diary of a TV Addict

Diary of a TV Addict
Добро пожаловать,  Notttay

@темы: ПЧ

Diary of a TV Addict

- Stand there and look menacing.
- What?
- Stand there and look menacing. … No, Peter… “menacing”… you look like your kid just struck out.
- What? This is menacing. What are you talking?
- No, it’s not.
- It’s menacing. It’s menacing!
- That’s not it. … Okay, that’s it, right there. Now cross your arms.
- What are you doing?
- I want to let him know you’re packing. Yeah. Now say “I’ll be back. “
- No.

@темы: White Collar, Matt Bomer, Tim DeKay

Diary of a TV Addict

- You're upset.
- Sour grapes.
- What was that? Look,you tell me which rule I broke,and I will thumb it back to prison myself.
- For starters...mm-hmm? I work hard. I do my job well. And I don't have a $10 million view of manhattan that I share with a 22-year-old art student while we sip espresso.
- Why not?
- Why not? Because I'm not supposed to. The amount of work I do equals certain things in the real world. Not cappuccino in the clouds.
- Look, I will find out where June buys her coffee if it's that important to you.
- It's not about the coffee.
- I think it is.
- No, it's not.

@темы: White Collar, Matt Bomer, Tim DeKay


Diary of a TV Addict
Добро пожаловать,  Siren_

@темы: ПЧ

Diary of a TV Addict
Diary of a TV Addict

Diary of a TV Addict
Diary of a TV Addict
19.03.2011 в 20:36
Пишет  petite_fleur:

URL записи

16.03.2011 в 14:25
Пишет  PoLtos:

Порадовало, что гесстаром в Касле будет няшечка Брейдан Хайнс - Локер из "Lie to Me", будет играть начинающего писателя, что-то вроде того, что Касл берет его под крыло, чтобы дать парочку советов, но тот больше слушает Беккет и Касл начинает ревновать :-D

URL записи

@темы: Stana Katic, Nathan Fillion, Castle, Lie To Me


Diary of a TV Addict
Добро пожаловать,  LightLovely

@темы: ПЧ


Diary of a TV Addict
Diary of a TV Addict

Diary of a TV Addict
Добро пожаловать,  Элфаба

@темы: ПЧ

Diary of a TV Addict
Diary of a TV Addict
Diary of a TV Addict

@темы: Fanvideo, Misfits, Видео

Diary of a TV Addict

Lea Michele - Zest Magazine, April 2011

@темы: Glee, Lea Michele, photoshoot, Видео